Lay Buy
How It Works
PUT IT ON LAY-BUY powered by PayPal makes it easy for you to buy the products and services that you need by paying for them via a down payment and up to six monthly instalments.
AFFORDABLE: Our calculator allows you to select the down payment you can afford to layby today and the amount of months you need to pay off the product. charge a small admin fee, which is a once-off 1.9% of the total order value at checkout.
SECURITY: All Payments are processed within PayPal’s secure environment.
CONVENIENCE: Payments are automatically set up between you and the seller with no intervention by either party ever. Unless a payment is missed. Please do not send additional payments, this is not how our lay-buy system works unfortunately. If you wish to finalise your layby earlier, please contact Jamie on email, to be sent a Pay Pal invoice. Please remember to include your order/lay-buy number.
FLEXIBLE: You can also call us to move the pending payments earlier or later.
CHOICE: A Lay-Buy Payment can be made and recurring profile setup via your PayPal account or your credit card.

5 Simple Steps
Select PUT IT ON LAY-BUY powered by PayPal payment option at checkout.
Payment calculator makes it easy for you to set up your own payment plan.
Complete down-payment and setup recurring profile in PayPal’s secure environment.
Payments are processed by PayPal on the scheduled date YOU set. Check your order status within your PayPal reporting module. Contact us if you want to move your payments earlier or later.
Receive the item shortly after your last payment.
No interest charges ever, no membership fees ever – NO DEBT.
StandInBaby® Layby Terms & Conditions (Updated on 11/02/2016)
Under our Layby agreement the customer is deemed to have agreed to the following terms:
- A non-refundable deposit of 10% minimum is required for payment when the layby is set up.
- Laybys are on up to a 6 month term; however laybys can be shipped or earlier with at least 2 weeks’ notice.
- Laybys exceeding the 6 month period (without approved extension) will result in cancellation of layby and forfeiture of deposit paid.
- All laybys require regular repayments.
- The cancellation of any individual layby items will result in a 10% deposit is still in place.
- Please choose carefully as once the layby is set up, no changes can be made.
- Prices of items on layby are fixed to the price at the time of the layby, discounts will not be given at the time of pick up regardless of sale prices at the time.
- No change can be made to layby sales on orders once they have been ordered/delivered.
Please remember when setting up a lay-buy you will need access to your pay pal email address as all confirmation and invoices will be sent to this email address. Once a lay-buy has been set up, we cannot change your email details.
Before calling or emailing to follow up your lay-buy please have your lay-buy order number ready.
Thank you.