StandInBaby swims with the Sharks

Shark Tank 2018

StandInBaby swims with the sharks in the upcoming season of Shark Tank.

We even made the ad for the season premiere!! watch it here

Ok … Clearly we caused some controversy and a bit of a feeding frenzy while we were there, but what else can you expect when you are surrounded by 5 passionate investors, who justifiably love our babies as much as we do!

It was honestly such a delight to have been asked to be apart of this season of Shark Tank and to personally meet, Steve Baxter, Janine Allis, Andrew Banks, Naomi Simpson and Dr. Glen Richards as well as the incredible team behind the scenes making all the “magic” happen.  We can’t wait to share the results and all the juicy details with our supporters and share what the future holds for StandInBaby.

The Australian season of Shark Tank kicks off on channel 10 on Tuesday the 15th of May 2018 at 8.30pm.

Follow us on Social media to stay up to date on all the StandInBaby shenanigans!
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  1. Dave Spicer on May 21, 2018 at 2:25 pm

    Congratulations guys. Well deserved! Looking forward to watching it and seeing what happens.

  2. Naomi -Rose on March 22, 2019 at 12:42 am

    I am absolutely thrilled for you guys! My SIB take’s pride of place in my studio and I am so excited to get into your teaching videos and learn learn learn!

    • Brendon on July 18, 2019 at 12:36 pm

      Thank you Naomi-Rose! Feel free to contact us at any time, we would love to help with any aspect of your journey 🙂

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